EVENT \ワンコーラスで魅力を伝えて/ゲスト審査員:七海うららさん「歌い手フェスvol.1」参加募集中🎤 EVENT PUBGゲーム大会 参加者募集中✨【6/13まで!】 EVENT 6/14(金) 22:30〜👻🎬REC/レック 無料放送!

Friends, acquaintances, fans, I am here to tell yo

Friends, acquaintances, fans, I am here to tell you twitcast has done a great deal of wrong to a close m8 of mines. Twit has taken upon its self to ignore @cheesehead1012 pleads to have his account unblocked for nearly 2 years. Twithating has chose to not do, so what do we do? Well if you want to make a difference please go on twitter and write to @twitcastinglive to unblock @cheesehead1012's account with the hastag also, #FreeTheCheese. Let's make a difference and make this app great again✊
