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Akihito OBAMA The 3rd Shakuhachi Recital

녹화의 공개는 없습니다 (시청 기한: 11/3/2020 (Tue) 23:59 JST까지)

 I will hold a solo shakuhachi recital this year again. I was possessed by the charm of the shakuhachi, and I have been here led by shakuhachi. Once again I will face "HONKYOKU" that is the origin of the shakuhachi and I will challenge the diverse and deep world. Also,the special guest is Genmyo Iso sensei who is the 22nd director of Icchoken that the one of the most famouse komuso temple. This is the last one of my Honkyoku Trilogy Project!

Akihito OBAMA "The 3rd Shakuhachi Solo Recital"
Tuesday, October 20, 2020
Start 19:00
2,000 JPY
Akihito Obama (Shakuhachi)
Special Guest : Genmyo ISO (Shakuhachi)

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Akihito OBAMA The 3rd Shakuhachi Recital 2,000 엔(세금 포함)
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