留言 (42)


okay time to cook >>> 4.30 pm, you have a good night and don't forget to have fun!


the most annying is that i have 4 dogs, and sometimes i get little pieces of hair in my eyes :D


that's how i learned to never rub my eyes :D


eye just by rubbing it


my uncle broke a mirror, then rubbed his eyes later, forgot to clean his hands, and he put a bunch of glass powder, and he destroyed his


don't poke your eye out, get something to clean it, never rub your eyes if you have something on/inside it


oh it's called showroom


and it gets laggy if you have like 1000 people watching


the interface it's a little childish with like all those little characters


they might have some kind of bots that auto sent e-mails to new users or something


and i've streamed like once there :))


that one is full of such manager companies, i got like 10 random e-mails


what was the name of that live stream platform for 'idols" showtime? show.. something


oh one of those manager companies


there also that 17 app


oh, thats nice


oh, i forgot you like tittitoki




the boyfriend keeps you busy :P